87 year old Woman grow horn out of her Head
Doctors in China were presented with a rare medical condition recently.
Liang Xiuzhen from Sichuan, south west China, came to them with what appeared to be a horn on her head.
The 87-year-old has had the growth for approximately two years and it’s still growing,reports People’s Daily Online.
According to reports, around eight years ago, Liang Xiuzhen had a black mole in the area where thehorn is now growing.
It started itching so the family started treating it with a local herbal remedy. As the remedy worked without side effects, the family just carried on using it without concerns.
Two years ago, the mole split open and a small horn started growing from the skin.
In the beginning, it was just about the size of the little finger and around an inch long.
The pensioner’s son, Wang Zhaojun, said: ‘We wentvto the hospital and the doctors couldn’t diagnose the
‘My mother doesn’t like going to the hospital because she thinks that she won’t be able to come
back home if she goes.
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